The 2024 Lineup will feature a mélange of folk, roots, indie, pop, country, blues, alternative, and world fusion artists from across Manitoba and Canada...

2023 Performers

2022 Performers

2021 Performers

2020 Performers

2019 Performers

Past Performers (Full List)
* Played Whoop & Hollar Folk Festival mainstage, 2015-present (or Summer Folk Fest, 2012-2014)
" Played the former Hot Blizzard Folk Festival (originally Winter Folk Fest), 2013-2017
~ Played Red Barn (Harlequin Hangout) or Family Tent at Whoop & Hollar Folk Festival, 2016-present
> Played Community Concert, Concert Series, or Other Event hosted by Whoop & Hollar (i.e. William Glesby Centre)
' Played Local House/Yard Concert (i.e. Omichinski/Home Routes), 2009-2014
^ Appeared as members of workshop fusion-group "High Gravity Stew Brew"
< Appeared as members of The Song Circle workshop
` Indigenous drum song group or dance performer
$2 Bill & Ciara Dawn - 2014"
Ashes & Dreams - 2019*
Astheur - 2017"
ATLAAS - 2019*
Attica Riots - 2021*
Kelly Bado - 2016*
Baiano - 2013"
Baltimore Road - 2017*
The Baker Sisters - 2013"
Will Benn - 2018~
Micheline Berard - 2016`, 2019`
Suzanne Bird - 2016", 2017"^
Brennans' Bounty - 2021*
Brothers of Stone - 2016*^, 2017*^
Brothers Zed - 2017~, 2018*
Amy Brown - 2019*<
Burnstick - 2021*
Casati - 2018*^
Chris Messytone - 2012*', 2014'*", 2015*"^, 2016"*>, 2017*^"^, 2018*^, 2019*^, 2020*, 2021*
Emma Cloney - 2015"
Confuschia - 2017*
Claire Coupland - 2019*<
The Crooked Brothers - 2014"
D.B. + The Deadbeats - 2021*
D.Rangers - 2019*
The Deeds - 2018*, 2020*
Johnny Dietrich + Ken Wettlaufer - 2014"
Johnny Dietrich & Kicking Up Dust - 2018*
Digging Roots - 2012'
Double The Trouble - 2021*
Dr. Hotbottom - 2019*
Dustin Harder's Prairie Soul - 2018*
Eagle & Hawk - 2015*, 2016*
Ed & Rhea - 2020*
Ego Spank - 2016*^
Everything+ - 2021*
Featherfall - 2016*
Aaron Fehr - 2014', 2016"
Lindsay Fialka - 2019~
Fireball Paul Shepherd - 2014", 2019*
The Flaming Trolleys - 2019~
Forest Her Dress (with Twintwa) - 2021>
Jaron Freeman-Fox - 2014'
Fubuki Daiko - 2021*
Ed Goertzen - 2015", 2016"
Eve Goldberg - 2009'
Sheena Grobb - 2015*
Guerrillas of Soul - 2015*^
Jeannine Guyot - 2021*
The Hairy Prairies - 2017*^
Raine Hamilton - 2019*^, 2021>
Rhonda Head - 2020*
Horse Thunder - 2016`, 2017`
House Handshake - 2018*, 2020*
Jada - 2018*<
JD Edwards - 2021*
Jelly B & The Kmart Shoppers - 2019*
Heather Jean Jordan - 2018*<
Judy & Rubin - 2019*^~
Juvel - 2021*
Keith and Renée - 2016*^
Justin Lacroix - 2019*^
Leaf Rapids - 2017"^
Little Miss Higgins - 2021*
MacTague & MacAnallen - 2018*^
Alex Maher - 2021*
Manon - 2019~
Beth Martens - 2017"
Romi Mayes - 2021*
Glen McCabe - 2019*<, 2021*
Mitchell Mozdzen - 2017*
Colton Nikkel - 2018*<
Scott Nolan - 2021>
Ozconscious - 2017*
Papa & Epp Duo - 2021*
The Perpetrators - 2017"^
The Prairie Joggers - 2021*
Prairie Kitchen Party - 2015"
The Project - 2017"
Proper Operation - 2018~
The Rainy Day Apparel - 2019*<
Red Moon Road - 2020*
The Reverend Rambler - 2020*
Gareth Rice - 2016", 2017*^, 2018*^, 2019*^, 2020*
Ben Rogers - 2015"
The Shady Spaces - 2015*
Sharpe Sisters - 2017*
Cohen Sieg - 2021*
Slick Chip - 2017~
Tannis Slimmon (+ Lewis Melville) - 2012'
Soulful Catz - 2016>
Lucien Spence - 2016*, 2021>
Spirit Horse Singers - 2019`
Spruce and the Meadowlark - 2017*
Sweet Alibi - 2013", 2014*
Thom Swift - 2010'
Thin Connections - 2017~
Tracy K & Jamie Steinhoff Blues Duo - 2017"
Andrina Turenne - 2020*
Turn a Phrase - 2019~
Twintwa (formerly TWIN) - 2012*, 2014*, 2015"*^, 2018~, 2019*, 2021>
Two Crows for Comfort - 2019*, 2021>
Valdy - 2010'
Monika Wall - 2019*
Helen White - 2012', 2013", 2014', 2016>
WIND - 2012*
Wreckin' SO - 2015*
The Young Pixels - 2018*^, 2021>
Yoza - 2017"
Micah Zacharias - 2018*<
Zrada - 2019*